We have a massive array of new sets for you all! ONE CENT labels for SS 86 Steeljaw, with some fantastic chrome additions for the cassette bot: https://toyhax.com/for-studio-series-86/9588-labels-for-ss-86-steeljaw.html A G1 inspired set for Legacy Quake, picking out the treads on his legs, and color correcting his shoulders: https://toyhax.com/for-legacy/9835-labels-for-lg-quake.html In collaboration with Nonnef, we're offering two alternate looks for Legacy Animated Slipstream: https://toyhax.com/for-legacy/9806-labels-for-lg-animated-slipstream-nonnef-collab.html Likewise, our set for Legacy Armada Wheeljack allows for either the original Hasbro or Takara appearance of the toy: https://toyhax.com/for-legacy/9879-labels-for-lg-armada-wheeljack.html A truly game changing upgrade for Legacy Dinoking, loaded with chrome and G1 inspired labels: https://toyhax.com/for-legacy/9828-labels-for-lg-dinoking.html Two different sets for Legacy Overcharge, sold separately, for those of you interested in army building: https://toyhax.com/search?controller=search&s=overchargeV Comic Edition Straxus gets a reduction in his comic book stylings, bringing him in line with the rest of your collection: https://toyhax.com/for-legacy/9587-labels-for-comic-edition-straxus.html A double set for the Comic Edition Flame and Xaaron, reducing their comic book look: https://toyhax.com/for-exclusives/9730-labels-for-comic-edition-flame-and-xaaron.html Gold accenting and more for Legacy Armada Galvatron: https://toyhax.com/for-legacy/9743-labels-for-lg-armada-galvatron.html A couple recolored label kits for Legacy Ferak to give him his fellow Hunter-Seekers: https://toyhax.com/for-legacy/9895-labels-for-lg-tarkus-and-kraydor.html Striking battle damage and purple cyberglow details for the GE Decepticon Soldier: https://toyhax.com/for-wfc/9797-labels-for-ss-ge-decepticon-soldier.html Gamer Edition Ratchet is vastly improved: https://toyhax.com/for-wfc/9801-labels-for-ss-ge-ratchet.html Studio Series Bumblebee Skywarp and Thundercracker each get their dues: https://toyhax.com/for-studio-series-86/9865-labels-for-ss-113-bb-skywarp.html https://toyhax.com/for-studio-series-86/9871-labels-for-ss-89-bb-thundercracker.html DNA's upgrade for LG Animated Optimus gets its own labels, greatly improving the hammer, among other things: https://toyhax.com/standard-scale/9850-labels-for-dk-dna-54-upgrade-kit.html We have finally completed our work on the MPG Trainbots! Kaen and Seizan are looking as good as the rest of them: https://toyhax.com/search?controller=search&s=MPGTRAINBOTS Cyberverse Maccadam may be an old toy, but he was in dire need of our assistance: https://toyhax.com/for-cyberversecyber-battalion/9854-labels-for-cyberverse-maccadam.html Brave Commander Optimus Prime receives an incredibly effective set, picking out plenty of the detail on the figure: https://toyhax.com/for-tf-one/9838-labels-for-to-brave-commander-optimus-prime.html A STUNNING new symbol offering, embossed chrome symbols: https://toyhax.com/symbols-for-tf/9842-embossed-chrome-symbols-for-autobots.html https://toyhax.com/symbols-for-tf/9844-embossed-chrome-symbols-for-decepticons.html